Easy 12-step checklist to get you started on LinkedIn

“LinkedIn? That’s just for networking purposes!” This is what many people believe, however, there is a more beneficial aspect that many companies are missing out on. LinkedIn is THE place for growing your company and introducing it to like-minded people. We’ve put together a checklist that guides you through the process, so let’s get started!

All in all, LinkedIn is a social media platform. However, what makes it ideal for companies is the type of people that are active on the platform – business professionals. Real life networking events can work as a charm, if they are actually organised. Ever since the pandemic, more and more events are hybrid or even just online which steals participants from the opportunity to make meaningful connections that can be retained. This is where LinkedIn comes to play.

In addition to creating connections, it is a fantastic marketing platform. For a company it is a great platform to introduce your work, share job openings and draw talent into the company. The goal of LinkedIn marketing is to attract attention to your own profile. The main benefits your company can achieve on the platform is building a stronger brand awareness and presence, making new business-to-business connections as well as driving traffic to your own website or blog. And it is no different from marketing on other platforms, the basics remain the same. 

We created this checklist to guide you through the first steps as well as staying active and noticeable on the platform. 


  • Upload your logo image (at least 400 x 400 px)
  • Upload your header photo (1128 x 181px)
  • Add a Button (Contact us, Learn more, Register, Sign up, or Visit website)
  • Write a strong Tagline (220 characters)
  • Update your Locations (you can add all of your company’s offices)
  • Add up to 3 hashtags that matter to your page
  • Add keywords and make sure your LinkedIn page is searchable on LinkedIn
  • Research content that is trending in your niche and follow industry leaders
  • Add posts about personal experiences – these work very well on LinkedIn
  • Create a content plan with a bigger focus on educational content and case studies
  • Share your best-performing blog posts to LinkedIn
  • Cross-promote your LinkedIn account on your other social channels

If you want to ensure your growth even further, take a look at these key topics to consider when posting on LinkedIn.

Using hashtags

Hashtags can help you tap into new audiences as people can follow certain hashtags. To find the best hashtags for you to use, research which hashtags related to your field are most popular and how often they are used. Approximately three to five hashtags should be optimal to reach your desired goal.

Tagging users

In addition to including photos and videos to your posts, tagging other users will increase your chances of being seen. This is due to the fact that once you have tagged a person, your post will also appear in the feed of the person’s connections. It is an incredibly simple way to double or even triple your reach.


It probably does not come as a surprise that consistency is key to driving more traffic and engagement. Creating a content plan will aid you with staying active on the platform. A great tool for that is our Ultimate Social Media Marketing Planner Calendar for 2023 that includes over 365 post ideas as well as an easy-to-use calendar that helps you stay on top of your game! Not all of your posts have to be lengthy and in-depth, sometimes a sweet and short post can work wonders. Having a mixture of posts can help attract different audiences as well as display variety in your way of working.

LinkedIn Page vs LinkedIn Profile

The difference between the two is that a LinkedIn Page can be followed immediately and there is no need to wait for a confirmation. With a LinkedIn Profile you must wait until the other user accepts your invitation to see their content. Still, both can be used for marketing purposes – it is important to know when to use which one.

Opting for a LinkedIn Profile is best when you wish to hold private conversations with your followers. It is great for people who prefer an individualistic approach or work one-on-one with their clients. Opting for a LinkedIn page is best when you want everyone to be able to reach and interact with your page.

We hope we encouraged you to make yourself familiar with LinkedIn and that your fingers are itching to get started. Now it’s time for you to evaluate whether you see value in adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy. And if you feel like you could use an extra hand on this journey, feel free to contact us!


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